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  • - 中國區營銷中心 -
    江蘇道斯數控科技有限公司總公司道斯凡斯多夫股份公司 (TOS VARNSDORF a.s.) 所在地在捷克共和國凡斯多夫市,從事機床研發、生產及銷售,供應機床配件并提供有關服務,是一家生產精密鏜銑床加工中心的機械制造企業。道斯公司有自己的機床開發設計組,同時擁有自己的生產基地用于機床制造。



    TOS VARNSDORF a.s., the head office of Jiangsu Doss CNC Technology Co., Ltd., is located in Vansdorf, Czech Republic. The company develops, produces and sells machine tools, complemented by a wide range of services and accessories. A machinery manufacturing company that produces precision boring and milling machines and machining centers. It has its own design team to develop the machines and a strong manufacturing base to produce them.

    The head office was established in 1903, and has accumulated many generations of rich experience in the use of technicians and workers in popularizing machine tool products in all industrial countries in the world.

    TOS VARNSDORF a.s.'s machine tools are characterized by effective processing, scientific and technological solutions and reliability, especially in the world's demanding country markets. Our current users are from the Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, etc. At the same time, the sales volume of machine tool products in China and other countries has gradually increased.
    Copy right ? 2020 江蘇道斯數控科技有限公司主營道斯臥式鏜銑床加工中心 備案號:蘇ICP備2020056163號
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